Tag Archives: zoonooz

Fabulous Furry Friday presents:

Fabulous Furry Friday wanted to celebrate Bubba’s debut to the public, but we have…um…been busy with other stuff. we promise we will get right on it, but in the meantime, here are some of The Panda Chronicles’ favorite panda cubs in their own debuts!

Oh, and if you happen to be descending on Washington DC’s most celebrated pandas for today’s opening, be courteous to your fellow panda fans. #Don’tBehaveLike Pinky

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

Thank you all for coming! Buy my book here!

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Stay tuned for more from the saga at #OpenLateGate and exciting coverage of Bubba’s debut to the public! I’m sure Pinky would never consider using this as an opportunity to put forth her own agenda!

(psst! hey! why not vote for bob?)

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 23: All I Want for Christmas is…

Yes, it is the third day of Crispmoss, but I have to digress for a moment, because yesterday, news crossed my screen, thanks to alert panda fan Kalpana Kanal, who notified me that serious discussions were happening between people who can do things in Washington State, and the people who own all the pandas in China. (Editors note: I rejected the article from the Seattle Times, as it was headlined: High Maintenance Pricey Pandas sought for Washington State. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the least little bit biased against pandas? I must protest!)

Yes! People other than me want to bring pandas to Washington State!!!!!

Which of course brings to mind my cartoon of at least six years ago, about bringing pandas to Seattle:




yes! It’s all I want for christmas

The time is NOW to join with me and all of us here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, and say WOOZPPAH! NOW* (*also spelled WOOZPAH: WOOdlandparkZooProjectPanda) Let’s see if we can get #WOOZPPAH to trend on Twitter! The initials PNW will no longer stand for Pacific NorthWest, but will now be known as Pandas NorthWest! Huzzah!

So who is the crazy person NOW???

And now, on with the Third Day of Crispmoss…

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky's let night sit in.

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky’s late night sit in.

Remember, it’s Christmas eve EVE tonight. Tell Santa, all we want for Christmas are a couple of Pandas for Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. I don’t want anything else and I’ve been very, very good!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 21: The Twelve Days of Crispmoss

Fa-la-la-la-la-la! It’s time for The Twelve Days of Crispmoss!

On the first day of Crispmoss the panda cam did see….

Everybody sing!

Everybody sing!

Meanwhile pandas have been sneaking around the internet, getting into all sorts of things! Firstly, they made a visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still, and talked about their newest offering, The Panda Chronicles Coloring Book. Then, in the hopes it would inspire us to get back to work on The Panda Chronicles Cuppycake Cookbook: Favorite recipes of the Panda Kindergarten, I submitted the first recipe to the fabulous website, They Draw & Cook. Appropriately, It is Princess Pinky’s Cuppycake recipe! You can find it via this link and also in the “recently added recipes” section. I’ve been following this website for several hearts, because:
1. food
2. art
3. seriously cool people.

I hope you’ll check them out.

Meanwhile, here are a few other ‘toons to get your week off to a good start.

panda on rocking horse

I am such a dork.

cartoon soap opera

I’m not a doctor, but I play one on television.

Hope you are having a happy holiday season…um…what do you mean I have to work until Friday….Sigh…

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda!

Day 18: Today, I am a Bear

We wouldn’t want to appear to be biased towards one holiday over another here at the Panda Chronicles, so even though the holiday of Pandukkah is now over (thank you for that, Nina L.) we celebrate that turning point in any young panda’s life, the Bear Mitzvah! 31 days of Pandas proudly presents…

Today, I am a Bear…

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!! You’re welcome.

Meanwhile, the debates go on….

Why Cats are superior to Pandas

I’m sure you can trust this cat!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 12, 31 Days of Pandas

We’re making a list,
Of presents and stuff,
We hope we get lots,
Or we’ll be real gruff,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!

We put out some cake
With frosting galore,
Hey that looks good,
Maybe I should have more,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!

He knows where you are sleeping,
And when you are awake.
He’s got a list from Pinky,
That will cause his sleigh to break!


You better not get
Into Pinky’s way.
You have been warned ,
That’s all I can say,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!!!!!!

Leaping out of his holiday wrapping, we want to take this little gift home with us!

Leaping out of his holiday wrapping, we want to take this little gift home with us!

Day 17...Naughty or Nice? you decide!

…Naughty or Nice? you decide!

There's nothing on earth that I'd rather do....

There’s nothing on earth that I’d rather do….

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas....

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….I think this might need to be a holiday mug!

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda

And don’t forget, tomorrow we reveal Bubba’s official Panda Chronicles outfit! Don’t miss it!

Day 11, 31 Days of Pandas

Having finished up with The Wizard of Wu this week, I thought I would wait until next Monday to start the next Encore Presentation of another Panda-Adventure story. Because it ’tis the season, next week get ready for…

It’s a Wun-derful Life, starring, you guessed, it, Mr Wu!!!!!!

Quiet in cheap seats! I’m allowed to play favorites, and since Pinky just got a whole ‘nother book, almost to herself, I thought the Wu-Self should get a little more air time. Plus Pinky and Bubba will be here with an all new cartoon on Sunday where we reveal Bubba’s official Panda Chronicles outfit! Huzzah!!!!!!

I’d also like to take this opportunity, as it is also Fabulous Furry Friday, to mention that there is no better time than now to give the gift of panda satire! With >6< books plus the all new Panda Chronicles Coloring Book, not to mention Pandamorphosis, to choose from, and lots of goodies available from The Pandyland Store on Cafe Press and suitable for framing illustration reproductions from Pandamorphosis, there is something for everyone on your gift giving list.

Okay, comercial over! Bring on the bears!

excessive photoshopping of celebrities

I’m ready for my close-up…um..I am, aren’t I?

Remember the early days of Pinky and her magical wand? Here’s Pinky’s first news conference!

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

Sometimes I think that I shouldn’t comment on the serious issues of the day. Then I remember that bringing light and laughter into the world is important. That’s our mission here at The Panda Chronicles. The news has been far too seriously ugly of late. I say embrace your inner panda and let’s be kinder and gentler.  Okay?

annoyed moviegoer allegedly shoots two for texting in movietheater

Don’t try this at home….

Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for some more panda fun from The Panda Chronicles!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


Busing for Beavers

What else could you call relocation of 76 beavers in Idaho in 1948, except busing for beavers? We recently heard this story, which came courtesy of the Boise, Idaho NPR station. The funniest things are occasionally true, true things are often funny. (At least we think they are.)

Of course, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire couldn’t sleep until we commented on this exciting bit of history.

And leave it to the vivd imagination of the panda kindergarten, to see a parallel between the 1948 Beaver Air-Drop and a possible solution to the current rat problem that new York City is facing.

Uh oh! It's the panda kindergarten and they have a plan!

Uh oh! It’s the panda kindergarten and they have a plan!

Over here Mr. Kitty! We have a surprise for you!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

The Season of Cake Part Two

It is my Birthday Season, and that means it is the season of cake! I love cake. Did I mention that? Frosting should be declared a national treasure. Just saying.

I don’t have one of those skimpy one day birthdays. No, I have a birthday season. My birthday season lasts one day for each year old I am, and while I’m not going to reveal exactly how old I am, let’s just say that my birthday season is very, very, very, long. Certain parties, who shall not be named here, think it is entirely too long, and that maybe I should cut back to a birthday week, or at the very least, a birthday month.


So today’s cartoon is about….


Inspired by a TRUE story!

Inspired by a TRUE story!

Yes, It’s true! I heard about it on the internet, so it must be true. Mehitabel is such a spoil sport! I mean these guys are scientists!!!!!!

Well, I need to go…um…have some cake.

Be the Bear (and have cake!)
Bob T. Panda

PS: I finally got that pesky Pinky header off of my cartoon! Who knows what trouble she will get into next!


The Campaign of Bob…

The campaign of Bob does not run smoothly. No, really. Did you think it would? Well, you are in the wrong place for things to run smoothly. Just saying. What? Did you think you had tuned in to an episode of Little Den on the Prairie or something?

No, this is panda satire! It’s hard! It’s gritty! We are endangered! Excuse me, now it is time for my nap. But first…

And how did Pinky manage to hack into my computer again?

And how did Pinky manage to hack into my computer again?

You would think that Mama Mei would be happy that Pinky is taking her little brother in paw to teach him a few things. Not to mention being proud that her little girl is so tech savvy!

Meanwhile, in other news, Amazon has opened a store in Seattle, and I am thrilled. I would be more thrilled if they actually put my books in their stores, but that may be too much to hope for.  If you live in Seattle, and happen to drop by their store, put in a good word for pandas, okay? We are endangered, you know.

And progress on my coloring book is humming along. I hope to finish compiling it in the next week, so I can get it out in the world (via Amazon!) before the holiday shopping season. I am also working on a major revision of “The Case of the Picturesque Panda” so that it is a middle grade graphic novel. Some major changes are afoot (a paw?) and I can’t resist sharing one of the sample pages here:

Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!

Yes, Mr. Wu gets to be the smart one!

I’d love to know what people think about the color, style of the illustrations, whatever you want to tell me. and I…um…promise I’ll read it and won’t ignore any negative things you might have to say. I might whimper a bit, but you don’t mind do you? This is a VERY long term project, so don’t be expecting this one any time soon, but you will be among the first to know when it is finished!

Well, pandas wait for no man!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda




Fabulous Furry Friday

…better late than never.

It is Fabulous Furry Friday once again, and it is time to dive into the archives to share some vintage panda satire with you, so that I send you smiling into your weekend.

As Bubba packs on the ounces, I am reminded of Pinky’s early days as a Panda Princess, quickly gaining the control of the previous class of the panda kindergarten…

Pinky tests her powers....

Pinky tests her powers….

But then she acquires some unusual powers for a panda…It appears that she had an elevated sense of self worth from a very early age….


Princess Pinky is drawing a line in the sandbox.

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Hmmm….I think perhaps Pinky has always felt she was born to rule….but meanwhile, in the panda kindergarten….

Cats are no match for pandas

What’s a cat to do? Pass the cake, please.

Ya’ll have a pandy weekend! Pass the cake, please.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda