Tag Archives: zoonooz

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Sometimes it’s easy to know what to post for Fabulous Furry Friday, and sometimes it’s not. The news continues to be depressing; more school shootings, lion killers going unindicted, the coming of daylight losing time, not to mention the lack of a MacArthur Fellowship being awarded for panda satire…

It’s enough to make a sensitive panda crawl under the covers and not come out for weeks. But there are paintings to paint, and pandas to draw. Maybe I’ll have a cuppycake and all will be well.

Or maybe I’ll just watch some panda videos. That always helps.

corporate flow chart copy 2

Yep, it's true! pandas are under contract!

Yep, it’s true! pandas are under contract!

Is it that time already?

Is it that time already?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Can Mehitabel endure the tidal wave of pandas?

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught...a visit to Bob's First campaign!

just in time for the upcoming onslaught…a visit to Bob’s First campaign!

Be the bear!
And if you are behind on your Panda Satire reading, now would be the perfect time to stock up on all six of The Panda Chronicles Books!

Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

Today, Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates WOOZPAH* and all those who want to bring pandas to Washington State. Yesterday this news story crossed my path, thanks to alert pandanista Diana Sutton! I say go for it! Washington State NEEDS pandas. and while I would rather they be in Seattle, than Tacoma, It’s all a heck of a lot closer than any other pandas!



Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

*Woodland Park Zoo Project Panda

Hope your Friday is Fabulous and Furry!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Pandas Go Viral Part 2

The other day on Fezbook, Pinky’s Secretary for Saying Nice Things About Pinky reprimanded me for saying that it shouldn’t always be all about Pinky. Sigh. Is this fair? I mean the election is more than a year away and she already has been appointing cabinet members? I mean, who ever heard of that cabinet post? and Secretary of Interior Decorating! Is that really a thing?

Meanwhile, I am trying to reach my political consultants who are not answering their mePhones. Where is MY campaign video? I need it so that my campaign can go viral, for crying out loud.

It's just not FAIR!

It’s just not FAIR!

Meanwhile, in the world of real pandas, the newest panda at the National Zoo in Washington DC has turned 3 weeks old! He’s getting fat and sassy, and I’m pretty sure he is going to make his debut here very soon.

Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda

Pandas Go Viral

Editor’s Note: What makes something go viral on the internet? I don’t really know, but Bob is hoping his campaign will go viral, because otherwise, he doesn’t have a chance against Pinky.

We're waiting...*tappity tap pity tap*

We’re waiting…*tappity tappity tap*

Things have been very busy over at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, these days. We are starting the production process for Book 6 of The Panda Chronicles (yay! Huzzah!!!!), still trying to get my campaign video done, getting ready for a gathering of Pandanistas at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo on September 26th (9:30 AM at the main gate of the Zoo on Phinney Ave, if you are in the vicinity) Rumor has it there will be Panda Chronicle books available for purchase, or if you already have them, I’ll be thrilled to sign them! Look for people who look like they would be wearing panda hats.

I’m also over-the-moon thrilled to announce that I will be part of an SCBWI mentorship program (on the receiving end, not the mentoring end) to work on the Inspector Panda story that appeared here last year. My plan is to turn it into a middle grade graphic novel (with pandas) and start shopping it around to publishers and agents after I am done revising it. Stay tuned for news about this project.

The Cuppycake Cookbook project is still alive and well, and making the rounds of agents. We hope we will have news about this project soon, but we don’t know when. Keep your spoons and frosting ready.

Be the Bear (and keep an eye out for Pinky….I heard a rumor she has escaped her grounding and is now at large.)
Bob T. Panda

FFF Asks: Who’s Your Daddy?

In all the excitement of the birth of twin panda cubs at the National Zoo, and then the sad news of the smaller of the cubs death, a little news item got…um…overlooked and everyone wants to know: Who’s your daddy?

For today’s Fabulously Furry Friday line up of encores, we revisit some ‘toons that ask that very question.

"It was dark....there were men in masks...."

“It was dark….there were men in masks….”

Who's the bear???!!!

Who’s the bear???!!!

And who can forget the “transformation” of Po and the Meihem twins of Cublanta?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

And finally, we apologize (Ha! No we don’t) for anthropomorphizing pandas, and…um…making fun of them.

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

Hope this Friday is treating you well! and remember, you can have ALL these cartoons to read again (and again) with the Panda Chronicle series, books 1 thru 5 and coming soon! Book 6!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday!

It’s Friday! and it is Fabulous and Furry!

I had mixed feelings about making any kind of commentary about the death murder of Cecil the lion. I have friends and acquaintances who hunt for food, but killing a living creature just to put his head on the wall seems so very wrong in so many ways. I couldn’t find anything to make a lighthearted cartoon about, because, as John Stewart  accurately said after the murder of 9 people in a South Carolina church  recently. “There’s just nothing funny about this.” But the pandas all gathered around me, and reminded me of this important concept, and so I did a drawing in tribute to the endangered among us, on two feet as well as four.

We R All Endangered.

073 we r all endangered 100r copy

And now, on with our regularly scheduled pandas….News from the panda front in San Diego is a little sad, but not totally unexpected. Bai Yun is 24 years old and they decided to give her one more chance to have another cub, as hormonally she was…um…ready. The SDZ folks announced today that Bai Yun is not Pregnant.

I’m sure in some ways, both she and Mr Wu are relieved. The Wu self gets to remain her baby boy forever, and given his attitude about cute cub proliferation, he is probably especially relieved.

Please refer any questions to Mr Wu's legal team.

Please refer any questions to Mr Wu’s legal team.

Are you now, or have you ever been a panda?

Are you now, or have you ever been a panda?

it's a wonderful life

Thank goodness Bee the Bear still has her magical wand from the last adventure.

Mr Wu tries to take charge

Uh oh. All is not well in Pandyland!

Hope you are having a wonderful summer, and not burning in a raging brush or forest fire. Or experiencing earthquakes or tsunamis. Or anything bad. Just saying.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

PS: notice how I didn’t say anything about the #GOPdebate last night.

Mr Wu Goes Rogue

Really, it is getting extremely…um…naughty pandish around here. Princess Pinky is on a rampage, getting on 60 Minutes, being interviewed by Oprah…where will it all end????

And now, Mr Wu, who has always been such a good little panda, at least in comparison to Princess Pinky, is giving unauthorized news reports on ZooNooz. Okay, so Mr. Wu went on a whole bunch of adventures with the panda kindergarten, and all, but now that he’s gotten a good job as Inspector Panda’s assistant, we thought that he would walk the straight and narrow.

Even the real life Mr. Wu has been a bit of a bad boy lately. Taking a page from his brother Yun Zi the destroyer, no doubt!

An election recap from Mr. Wu...

An election recap from Mr. Wu…

Perhaps Mr. Wu has been hanging out with Pinky just a little too much.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

By the way, not only is today Mr wu’s actual Birthday, it is also World Tiger Day! Mehitabel says Huzzah! Here are some bonus tiger cartoons to celebrate the day!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

You know we're just kidding about this, right?

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

2 Timing Political Consultants

The Meihems have long memories and have definitely not forgotten that little incident a while back, nor have they completely forgiven Pinky for it. So, it is no wonder that they have snuck out the back door of Pinky’s campaign headquarters, formed their own political consultancy (Meihem 2 Timing Political Consultants at your service!) and offered to help Bob with his campaign fundraising.

What could possibly go wrong?

And who is this mysterious ally of whom they speak?

And who is this mysterious ally of whom they speak?

I am happy to say that I have de-Pinkyied my headlines, at least for now. The Pinky is very, very tricky. I must be on my guard.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

We have some late breaking news from Pinky’s Committee to elect Pinky President. Personally, I don’t think I should do anything to encourage her further, but her attorneys are telling me that I have to post this. I think that little panda needs to be sent to her room with no internet connection. What do you think?

Bob has a Dilemma

It’s not fair …the cry of Nihilists everywhere, is being heard in the halls of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, as Bob wanders around, telling anyone who will listen to him, about how he has been replaced by Mr. Wu (Mr. Wu!!!) as co-host for ZooNooz’s flagship news broadcast.

It’s just not fair!

Editor’s note: Late breaking news!!!! We have just learned that Princess Pinky has gotten herself onto the news show, 60 Minutes. Where will all this unfair, free publicity end? We just don’t know!

What to do, what to do….this is a dilemma, no mistake about that!

Perhaps the Meihems can help...

Perhaps the Meihems can help…

Meanwhile, Pinky is still hacking into my computer, but I may have figured out a way to de-Pinky it. Stay tuned!

The light bulb thing still works, doesn’t it? I look very presidential here, don’t you think?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

BTW: We would be very remiss if we did not mention that it is Mama Mei Xiang’s 17th birthday! Huzzah! Now Pinky, could you just be a good little panda for one day and celebrate someone other than Pinky?


Bob Gets Fired

What do you mean conflict of interest? Who started the ZooNooZ show anyway? I think Pinky is behind this! I demand to see my lawyer! And can’t someone get Pinky’s headlines off my post?

Bob gets fired....what is this world coming to?

Bob gets fired….what is this world coming to?

Hmmm….someone may have used that line before….

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Pinky says: Don’t forget to get Pinky swag at Pandyland! Your purchase helps to support my campaign!

I am going to have to do something!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda