Are you ready?

Hmmm… I’m not so sure this is a good idea…
I would be remiss if I did not point out that this is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! And as such, I must share a ‘toon from the archives…

I think I will have an encore presentations of this whole story over at my Substack tomorrow. Yo ho ho!
Be the Bear
Bob T avast me hearties Panda
Uh oh! PPJ is involved — let the shenanigans begin! Be careful out there Bikkie and Pookie!
She was bound to pop up (or poof up?) sooner or later.
After looking at the book, I’d love for this have actually been a gift from Bikkie and Pookie’s mommies! But the “Ppj” thing is scaring me. (Then again, she does do a good job transporting pandas around…).
and yet….PPJ does like to stir things up a bit. Don’t you think she makes life in pandyland “interesting?”
Excuse me Bob, but didn’t Bikkee previously say he couldn’t read?!!!
Um…maybe Mister Poppee read it to him? I mean…just because he opened the envelope doesn’t mean he read it.
(whew! weaseled out of that one!)