Pandas have secrets, okay? They are bears of mystery, with questionable pasts and unrepentant ancestors. Just because we’re cute, it doesn’t mean we’re easy, alright?
But what is the secret history the Bebe Maurice’s Maman has tried so hard to keep hidden? And who do they think they are fooling with those cheesy, fake french accents?

We are pandas of mystery!
Could Bebe Maurice and his Maman be related to that most celebrated (and feared!!!!) panda of mystery, the notorious Babette de Panda?
Viva les Pandas!
Bob T Panda
Not to fret Baby Maurice – modeling for French arteests is also an art form too.
Mon Dieu, Bob T.!! liddle Bb Maurice and his maman are Babette’s family? I can’t believe it, how small is the world! On the other hand, the French accent is superbe, very appropriate, and tremendously stylish. Very glamourous.
I know! Who would have known? I apologize for having a story without Pinky, but there you have it! Glad you like my fake, cheesy French accent. It is tres croissant!
Fromage, aussi, avec croissants! Love this little one, BeBe Maurice!
Très croissant!