The Jig is Up

Roh Roh. What did I tell you last week about the all seeing eyes of Mommee Mei? It seems that those panda cams have more than one application and now, now the jig is up and the heavy paw of the law is about to descend on Pinky AND Bubba. This is not good. This is not good at all!!

What should Pinky and Bubba do NOW?????

the jig is up

I don’t think Mei is buying the homework thing.

Bubba does have that extremely innocent look down, doesn’t he? I think Pinky taught it to him.

I hope you’ll keep reading The Panda Chronicles, because coming up for the next two FABULOUS FURRY FRIDAYS we have a special treat! An encore presentation (in two parts) of our Halloween classic (well, we can declare it a classic, can’t we?) A Halloween Carol! As I am not one to deny myself the pleasure of laughing at my own jokes, I have to say this story is a hoot, not to mention Bubba’s first feature presentation. All your favorite pandas have a role in this holiday drama, so be sure to tune in this Friday for some spooky panda fun.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


8 thoughts on “The Jig is Up

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Mei has had to do a lot of post panda kindergarten education to keep up with Pinky (and now Bubba)
      mei: ” I swear, those children will turn my fur gray!”

  1. Gina Koo

    I remember the days when one could send messages to another’s computer without their knowledge (too bad that I can’t remember how).
    The look on Bubba’s face is priceless! Talk about being worried. Hope Mama will go easy on Bubba; after all, he’s still just a baby.
    Was General Bun making a “I don’t believe you” face in the last panel? And how rude of Banky Pig to give us his ‘the back end’ 😉

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Banky Pig knows better than to stick around when Mommee Mei gets mad.
      She is much more computer savvy than she lets on. Well, she had to be, what with all of Pinky’s plans!

  2. Teresa

    oh, Bob T., the pandy chronicles are real histories in real time!!!! yesterday (sunday) it has been imposible to watch the pannacams at Pinksonian Zoo… there was an announcement about ‘some technical difficulties’… I now understand why …
    #Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      We know nothing! I’m sure it…um…had nothing to do with Bubba or Pinky’s use of the computers. Heh.


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