Many apologies for my neglect of the blog! I have been running at double speed as I work on various projects (still secret, don’t ask!) and have not been diligent about sharing the posts on Fezbook and Twidder, or answering/approving comments! please don’t let that discourage you from leaving comments. I will get to them when I can! My first priority is getting new ‘toons done and getting them posted on schedule.
Tell me you love me anyway! (#Clap Louder #DontMakeMePoofYou )
But meanwhile, I have a special treat for you! remember that “little incident” when a group of rhino poachers got…um…eaten by a group of lions? Of course I felt compelled to comment! (YAY!!!!!!!) enjoy this series about animals striking back!

Ooooooo-oooo-oooo-we have food tonight…
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
If I could put a giant heart emoji right here I would :). Your amazing talent and humor lighten the days in these troubling, frightening times. Thank you for being you. And don’t work yourself sick.
Thank you, my friend.
With all the sadness (my kitty of 15 plus years passed away in my arms last week) and all things coming out of crazy town, your humor and pandas are just what we need. Huzzah!
Aw….so sorry you lost your sweet kitty. You know I know how that is. So glad you had 15 wonderful years together. I’m sure Mehitabel is waiting for her, to show her where all the softest couches and best bowls of cream are.
Glad panda humor helps. Hold on to your seat. The ride will get even bumpier from here, me thinks.
I’m sure Mehitabel and Punkie will e BFF’s and will rule the domain. Yes, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride! I just hope we are happy when it’s all over.
I bet that even as we speak, Mehitabel and Punkie have dogs waiting on them, bringing the best treats, and have commandeered the most comfortable couches, the ones with the best view of the bird feeders.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
How could I not comment on our lion brethren, who are fighting the good fight and taking a bite (heh!) out of the injustice of poachers murdering endangered species?
My Little Man is frolicking with Mehitabel and showing the ropes to Punkie! (how to do a bamboozle on their doggo neighbors)
I know they are hanging out together, and showing your Little Man the ropes. So sorry he has left this world. I will always miss Mehitabel, but not quite ready to let another cat step into her paw prints yet. I’ll know when it’s time.
BTW, did you see my posts post-Calgary? We got to see Baruti and Aslan. They have a nice yard, but unfortunately, not much of a swimming hole for Baruti. I understand that they are going to get girl friends soon. also Susan C. of Calgary is keeping a special watch on the boys, so know that they are well cared for, and watched over.