No, Pinky has not taken her rightful place as Presydent of the Untied States. Nor has Ping Ping learned to speak American Panda. (Ping!!!) No! Today is the day that Six and Sebben get their Panda Scout uniforms!
Huzzah! On with the show!

Cuteness abounds!
Panda On!
It’s Wednesday! gateway to the gateway to the weekend!
Bob T Panda
Oh, Bob T. what a sweet gift!! Six and Sebben are so so tiny 😉
And tiny they will stay! I’ll remind you why in Friday’s ‘toon round up.
HUZZAH!! Ah memories -Open! Open! Hurry! I could actually hear their voices in my head as they were saying it. 🙂 I remember the excitement when I got my first Junior Girl Scout uniform. Back then they didn’t fit so well, but exciting none the less. Thanks for the smile
The Meihems are so nice to their sisters!
Uh oh…you are now hearing panda voices in your head. What can I say, but welcome to the club!
I know why Six and Sebben will stay tiny; they are so cute! Love their little scout uniforms.
I remember the moon, their Mommee’s wish and what the moon did!
You really have to watch what you say in front of a wishing moon. Look what happened in Pandamorphosis!
gonna see Six and Sebben next week!! super excited… will see how they look in their new outfits!
OOO! Take pictures!
Huzzah for Six and Sebben receiving their official panna scout uniforms!! I can’t wait to see them with their new attire.