The Olympics are coming! Cue the torch bears! Yes, athletes are heading to Brazil to compete in this year’s summer games, and while I have not done any new Olympic cartoons for our favorite pandatheletes, I do have a nice stash of ‘toons from previous games.
Grab your pop corn and overly sugary beverage and sit yer butt down to enjoy these encore presentations of The Panda Olympics!!!!

Maybe they have a point…

See, What did I tell you?

another boring rerun, but so much fun!
I love the torch bears, don’t you?

Pandas aren’t dopes!

The early days of panda rights groups….and early days of panda satire!

What do you think of my blob?

‘and for the record, it’s just “giant slalom.” It’s not just for pandas.’
And one of my all time favorite pand-olympic games ‘toon…

Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn’t so!
Well that it for this week! Maybe (if I remember) we’ll have more Olympic pandas next week.
Till then,
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
Perfect for the heavy weights lift
What? we have to pick up something heavy? um…what about a fork loaded with cake? that would be heavy. 🙂
i love pandas
So do we all! Huzzah!