Binky Li and QB are getting ready to make their public debut, in what will be the best attended event in DC next month.
What? Is there something else going on?

Rumor has it the official Panda Chronicle outfits are going to be revealed soon!
Stay ‘tooned!
Be the Bear
Bob T no one will ever suspect Frank and Mikey aren’t pandas Panda
YEA!!! Cant wait to see the outfits and order 2 new Felties!! 😃❤️🙌
Oh, that is something I need to keep in. mind that I don’t design something I can’t make as a felty!
I mentioned in Book of Faces that now I’m afraid they will ship Frank, Mikey and Pookie off to China!!! And where is Josie? We need a “mom” in charge of this bunch.
Frank: they wouldn’t dare send us to China.
Mikey: yeah! We are very fierce
Frank: especially Josie!
Oops. Never mind. Josie was right in front of me! Missed her hair bow. Did!
Love it, especially with B.Li and QB fitting in with Frank, Mikey and Pookie!—all looking like Pandas!
Can’t wait to see the Panda Chronicle outfits for BL and QB! And Pookie looks so cute in his panda disguise!
No one will ever suspect they aren’t all pandas.