The Panda Chronicles Welcomes the Next Generation of Pandas

Wow, wow, wow. There is so much going on right now, and I will probably have A LOT to say about it, but I wanted to take a moment for hope and joy and optimism for the future. I am, of course, talking about…

The new PanDiego pandas will be making their debut on August 8th!

Coincidentally, that is also the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, but that is another ‘toon. For now…


I should probably point out that I have never watched even one episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, although I did faithfully watch the original series. I just thought it was a good title and a way to differentiate between the Pinky/Bubba/Bikkie universe and the new pandas in DC and PanDiego.

I can’t wait to see how Zinger and Chuie develop as characters in the Panda Chronicles Universe.

Be the Bear
Bob T is kinda optimistic for the future Panda

16 thoughts on “The Panda Chronicles Welcomes the Next Generation of Pandas

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Woo hoo! I’ve been on a couple of early morning with pandas things there and it is great not to have to contend with crowds.

      1. Panda in Chief Post author

        Well of course you are! You haven’t been on early morning with pandas with Chuie and Zinger!

  1. Jeannie Meyer

    Chuie, find out what songs Zingy likes and hum those! Ideally while brandishing flowers in your most debonair manner.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Chuie: oh! dat sounds like a good idea. so far she asked for some noise cancelling headphones, whatebber dey are.

  2. Lora Schweikert

    Oh boy…..oh boy….oh boy…. Perhaps the National Zoo will be next to get pandas ? Let the fun begin….

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      That does seem to be the plan, although they have not given dates yet. We do know what pandas are coming, Pinky’s son Binky Li and Qing Bao, daughter of Qing Qing (I think), one of Pinky’s neighbors at DJY. Maybe they talked about it over the fence.

  3. Sue Frause

    Although Nixon announced his intent to resign on August 8, 1974 the official resignation didn’t take place until August 9 1974. The ONLY reason I know this is that Farmer Bob and I were married here on Whidbey Island on August 10, 1974 — the day after Tricky Dick’s resignation. And that’s ALL that people were talking about at our wedding reception! PS: Yes, we’re celebrating our 50th anniversary this August 10, 2024 by sailing away on August 10 from Seattle to Alaska via Holland America (with Max/Kelsey/Emilia on board). WooHoo1

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Thanks for the historical clarification! I will make note of it in the appropriate ZoonooZ bulletin. Your anniversary trip sounds divine! Congratulations on 50 years with Farmer Bob!

  4. Janie Cushing

    I can’t wait to meet Zinger and Chuie in person. My birthday is Sept. 9th and it seems like the perfect day to meet our new family.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      That’s DOES sound like a perfect birthday present to yourself! Tell Zinger and Chuie I said hi! I can’t wait till I can get down there to meet them myself!


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