Maybe my favorite book in the entire known universe is The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster and illustrated by Jules Feiffer. It seems like a good idea to have Bikkie and Mister Poppee have an adventure that might “borrow” a bit of the storyline.
I hope the authors will forgive me.
Apologies for posting late today. There was a lot of cross hatching in today’s ‘toon.

Don’t forget to visit me on Substack to read the encore presentation of Six and Sebben’s naming day story, “Being Endangered is Such a Curse“!
Okay bye!
Be the Bear
Bob T I wonder where this goes? Panda
Thank You. I’m a big fan of Phantom Toll Booth too.
It is, of course, EXTREMELY presumptuous of me to do a parody of what might be THE best loved children’s books of all time. I love this book with the heat of 1000 white hot stars. I hope I can do it justice. (I’m sure Norton Juster’s ghost will haunt me if I don’t)
Now I’m seriously scared. Seriously.
it will be okay. You’re going to have to trust me, and look away when the scary bits happen. I would never let anything bad happen to Bikkie or Pookie (or Mister Poppee)
Now I’m very intrigued about the book! I also hope the two mommies don’t get ulcers worrying about their adorable babies. Of course Frank and Mikey would never let anything happen to them. (Right?). 😳
You should definitely read this book. And don’t worry about Josie and Pookie. I’m sure Pinky will distract them from any anxiety they might have about this.