Huzzah for the wave of blue that has swept over the House. (If you are not happy about this, you might want to stop reading right here, or maybe even back up to the beginning of the sentence!) We may not be able to counter the so-called Senate traditions about who can or when they can nominate, say, a judge, for instance, while the sad turtle is in charge, we can slow down a few abuses of power, perhaps.
It’s looking like a blue tsunami to me!

Sad Turtle, Too Much McConnell has much to answer for.
Just a couple more days until 31 Days of Pandas! Are you ready? I’m getting there!
Panda On!
Be the Bear!
PS: Cheating is not winning.
Sigh. As far as republicans are concerned the rules that they make to benefit them only apply to them. I actually tweeted McConnell that he needs to make sure his grave is unmarked. Too much?
Ha ha! I think it was just the right amount. He is the very picture of hypocrisy.
I was so sad to read about Yang Guang. We have all been hoping for a baby panda over there for so long . . .
They are hopeful he will recover, aren’t they? Keep me in the loop if you see any news on him. I got to visit him a couple years ago.