Two notes on things other than the year in review posts:
First, I was alerted to an excellent newsletter by Heather Cox Richardson, writing about the legal and political issues of the day, in a very readable, clear manner. (In other words, if I can understand what the hell she’s talking about, pretty much anyone can.) I highly recommend subscribing to her news letter. If nothing else, maybe it will keep me out of the Twidder trenches so I can get some work done. We’re in for a wild ride, panda fans! Here’s to hoping we all survive it!
Second, my Tiny Panda Kickstarter is going swimmingly! It ends this Friday at 5 PM PST, so if you wee thinking about getting a tiny panda (or two) of your own, this is the week. There are still several panda rewards available, and should you want more than one there is both a two panda reward, or you can add another panda to the reward selected. Just message me here via the Contact Us form, or the Kickstarter message system.
Now! On with the Year in Review for July, August, and September!
Frank and Mikey return with excellent advice for hikers!

Don’t (*snorf*) look like food!
Another reminder of why “president” Mittens must not only be impeached, but also removed from office.


Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business
On to August… This seems topical!

Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!

Don’t get mad. Get even.
Even elephants are tired of the GOP’s shenanigans!
September! The back to school month!

It does not pay to be late! You don’t want to flunk cake again, do you, Boo Boo?
Another reminder of why the Senate needs to vote to remove…

Mittens: a disgrace to cat-hood

bears will be bears!
See ya next week with some new ‘toons and the wrap up of our Hold Me Closer Tiny Panda Kiscktarter!
Panda On!
Bob get-your-tiny-pandas-here T Panda
These ‘toons previously appeared on The Panda Chronicles in July/August/September of 2019