Before we start on our last installment of the Year in Review, I want to express my thanks to all who made the Tiny Panda Kickstarter project such a success! I am already hard at work making little needle felted pandas. Once all the Kickstarter paperwork is done, and the boxes and other panda shipping materials have arrived, I will start sending each group out as they are completed over the next 4-6 months. Part of me wishes I could have a class photo of all the completed pandas together, but in addition to the packing and shipping chaos that would cause, with the national stress level predicted to skyrocket in the next, oh, say 11 months, y’all are going to need to have these pandas as much as I need to make them.
Maybe next year’s project should be a recreation of the Chinese terra cotta Warriors, done as felted pandas.
Well, the trial of the Century has started. It has the predictable lines drawn: long, careful, evidence packed testimony by the Democratic House Managers, and loud lies and obfuscations by the tRUmp lawyers. The defense straddles between “He didn’t do it,” and “it’s not a crime if he did,” not to mention, “you don’t have enough evidence” (because “we blocked you from getting it.”)
But how did we get here? Let’s dive back into the Year in review! Starting with October…
I can’t believe how accurate these ‘toons have proved to be!

It’s been a long time coming. Hope he’ll be a looooong time gone!

All together now!

If Pinky wins the 2020 election, can we have panda-gate?
On to November…

“crime” is not a verb

Oh no! There are no pandas in this cartoon!

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!
And in December…

Obeying Pinky is not in the Consditooshun!

Not even Pinky is above the law. And if SHE isn’t, then Mittens sure as heck isn’t either!
Aaaaaannnddd I think this pretty much sums up the Senate Trial as well:

A bear can dream, am I right?
I think Bubba is almost as good a speaker as Adam Schiff!
So, That’s our year in review! We hope you enjoyed this look back over the last 12 months and really (really) hope we survive the next 12!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda