There was some event happening in DC yesterday, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. More exciting events were happening cross town, over in Pandyland. Binky Li napped and ate for his fans, QB climbed trees and waved to her subjects. I eagerly await the return of the Panda Cam.
We’re not going to be able to ignore what is going on across town, at least not completely. We all need to do what we can to resist falling into despair, as that is exactly what “they” want you to do. But no matter how many naps we need to take, we will resist! Every act of resistance, no matter how small, is still resistance. (Like reading the Panda Chronicles, especially when we make fun of F45)
And Now, Back to Our Story!
When last we saw the gang over in China, Six and Sebben had arrived to “visit” their favorite* cousins! Being a responsible mommee and auntie, Mei Xiang decided she should check in with her sister…
*Favorite in the sense of all their other cousins have gone into witness protection programs and Lun Lun can’t find their addresses.

Be Brave!
Stay Angry!
Do Not Give A Inch!
Eat Moar Frosting!
Panda On
Bob T pass the frosting Panda
The witness protection program. Ha ha ha ha! I’m laughing so much, my stomach is hurting!
Pinky: I don’ know why mommee din’t fink of dat!
Mr Wu: can’t be too careful! (writing from an undisclosed location)
Penguins: As occupants of the Antarctica Zoo we would like to point out that pandas would match our predominant color scheme! And if we have them, we might get more than our current six visitors a year.
Pinky: oh you would DEFINITELY get more den 6 visitors a year. mr. wu has some penguin friends, so I fink it would work out. plus dere is snow! is dere a plan to send pandas dere?
I was thinking Six and Sebben. Or at least Six! I think Sebben has potential for redemption.
Six: can I redeem her for valuable prizes?
Sebben: yoo shut up! mommee! six is trying to trade mee in for stuff!