Cake smeared and tired, Princess Pinky and the Meihems returned to their respective corners, to calm down and…um be lectured to by their mommees.
Things got a little busy around here yesterday (don’t ask) so there is no new cartoon today, but hey! you got a new cartoon on Friday and Saturday, so pipe down over there!
More Pandamorphosis news!
The Kindle edition is now available on the Kindle store, and if you’ve bought a copy of Pandamorphosis through Amazon, past or present, you can get the Kindle version for a mere 99 cents! whee! Sort of like having your cake and eating it too. The iBook version remains free until Monday, August 25th till 5PM Eastern time. The Kindle version is quite different than the ibook version. I had fun playing with the graphics, and would love to hear what you think about it.

But I don’t want to leave you without a Princess Pinky cartoon on this all-pinky-all-the-time Pinky Fest Birthday weekend, so here’s one of my recent faves.

Oh dear….are you going to leave her there?
More from Inspector Panda, Princess Pinky and the Meihems next week!
Keep being the bear and don’t forget to get your copy of Pandamorphosis! Huzzah!
Bob T. Panda
Hi Anne… I had to pay $2.99.. Don’t know why.. maybe because I bought the book through Kickstarter? I don’t care… I would have paid more for it. I LOVE it!!! I take my Kindle to work to read during lunch. Now I can look at Pandamorphosis and go to my HAPPY PLACE for an hour. Do you sell the postcards? I framed the 2 I have received from you and put them in my Panda bathroom. I found this really COOL shower curtain with just the face of the panda… The pictures look great in there but I need more….. I can send pictures of what I’ve done if you would like to see… I’m waiting with bated breath for my print from the framers… I hate to say this but the frame, matting, and antiglare glass cost more than the print! But it’s going to look SO awesome… I will sent you picture once I get the print back…. THANK YOU so much for the Panda Chronicles and Pandamorphosis… They mean so much to me… Dianna Van Buren, Lewis Center, Ohio
I’m so glad you now have Pandamorphosis on your Kindle. Yes, it’s true,only people who bought Pandamorphosis directly from Amazom can get it for 99 cents. Occasionally I will be doing temporary price reduction promotions for both the ibooks version as well as the Kindle version. Interestingly enough, it does show up on the non-color version of the Kindle as a black and white picture book. See my earlier comment to Vicky V. about that. I would love to release it in print as a black and white book as well. maybe next year?
I love the new birthday cartoons with the three girls. We knew the peace wouldn’t last forever … or even a few days!! Trouble seems to follow Pinky everywhere she goes … how does she get down from the bubble?
Um, I don’t really know how she gets down from the bubble. Or we could just use the concept of “narrative assumption” to assume that somehow she gets down safely, since there she was at her party, fighting with the Meihems.
Did you watch at all? I was glued to the computer laughing my head off for about 3 hours. I missed the very end when Pinky and Mei were rassling over the cake, which by now had been pushed off the cliff and was lying in the grass, but DoxieMom posted a video. What a day! And we who stayed home likely had a better view of things than the folks who were there, although we did not get any of the Szechuan goodies that were given out.
I did watch a little bit live, but I am relying on Doxiemom for a good long session of watching Pinky and her mom enjoy her birthday cake. I have really been enjoying all the photos everyone has taken of the event, and I have to thank the DC panda fan group for sharing them. special thanks to Daniel Reidel, Cyndi Anderson, Charlene Johnson, Judy Young, Unka Bobby, and Mary Kushman. I know there are more of you taking great pictures of the real, undisputed Pinky Bao Bao and I thank you as well.
I have the kindle edition of Pandamorphosis!!! It’s great seeing it in black and white. Gives it such a different feel.
It’s slightly different to the iBook one.
Great job!!
Thanks! I thought about making the Kindle version only for the color Kindale (can’t remember what that one is called, but when I was doing the illustrations and scanning them to put them in my progressive mock-ups, I also printed them in Black and white. When I was in art school, I learned that one of the ways to view whether your painting was “working” on a value distribution level, was to photograph it in Black and white. that was a much more involved process, back in the day, as you had to wait for film to be developed. Now you just scan it into the computer and remove the color information. I actually debated publishing Pandamorphosis in black and white, even though I did the illustrations in color.
this was a kind of long art-geeky explanation, but I’m glad you commented on it. Now I kinda wish I had a kindle of my own so I could have it in black and white.
That’s interesting about looking at your work in black and white. And yes what a process that was. Having to wait for a photo to be developed!!
I only bought a kindle because there were some cookbooks I wanted and they were only available in kindle – great way to get people to buy kindles! But it does show how important it is to have them available electronically. Can’t wait for the electronic Panda Chronicles series to be released!!
I read above that you may release a black & white version of Pandamorphosis – that would be stunning 🙂
It will be interesting to see how the electronic versions of all the books do. It is a little bit of a process, but I am just going to plug away at it a little at a time. I would love to do a black and white version of Pandamorphosis, but I think it needs to be in hardcover. I think that is a project that will wait till next year. There is a books only crowd funding site that I would like to give a try, and that may be the place to do that edition of Pandamorphosis. Stay tuned.
Hardcover sounds great!!
It is definitely a dream of mine. My faithful supporters will be the first to know if/when it becomes a reality.
If you have an ipad you can get a Kindle app for Ipad and use it just like a kindle.
I knew about that app, and I just downloaded it. This could be a dangerous thing….but I guess that’s the idea. Meanwhile, I am working on iBook and Kindle versions of all the previous Panda Chronicle books, but it is definitely a process that takes some time. I am considering setting up a Smashwords account, as you can have them set up all the different formats (except maybe for Kindle) and then you have one account that includes Nook, ibooks and a bunch of others. Too much technology makes my fuzzy head hurt.
Do you know the children’s book, Cat Count? I have the color version, but I like the B&W drawings much better! Unfortunately it seems to be hard to find. It’s by Betsy Lewin.
I don’t know that book, but I will see if I can find it. (Mehitabel thinks there are too many panda books around here and that we need more about cats.)