Alas! My regular posting day did not fall on April 1st (aka a typical news day in our post apocalyptic times) but as I like a good joke as much as the next bear, please accept our one day late tribute to April Fool’s Day, and to Bob’s capacity for belief in these troubled times.

Pinky sez: “put mittens in the big house, not the White House!”
Be the Bear!
Bob T well it might have happened Panda
Poor Pinky.
No, but you should be presydent fur sure. poof wand and all.
Pinky: I tried, but mommee must have jammed my wand. she was doing somefing to it when I walked in on her in my room. da security around’ dis place is terrible!
Pinky – what cud she has done??? what jamming the poof engine of the wand? gotta get da security tightened up there at the SNZ. Maybe ask Bikkie? He seems to know how to get “poofed” via a car out of the place these days lol
Mei Xiang: hee hee hee!
It’s frustrating! On our side we have carnivorous grizzlies and two girls with 🪄 as well as a pair of twins ferocious twins. You’d think we would have this mess cleared up by now. Maybe Mei needs to unblock the wand and let mittens be turned into a cuppycakes so Frank and Mikey can eat him.
Mei Xiang: tempting…tempting…
Frank: I wonder if the cuppycake would still taste bad.