Today in (Presidential Crimes) History

Yes, today is the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s announcement that he planned to resign.

If only, he mused, but no, even his own party members realized that this was a stain on their party, and he had to go. Alas. Today’s GOP has no such self awareness about crimes and stains.

We are at a turning point.
Do we choose the candidates and party that want to give people a bottle of water when they pass out from the heat at their political events? Or do we want the party that tells stricken parents of murdered children that they should “just get over it?”

Do we want JOY or Carnage?

I don’t know about you, but I think the choice is pretty clear.

89 days till Election Day. Check your registration! Vote!

Be the Bear
Bob T I am not a crook Panda

PS: I am not even going to discuss the latest revelation about RFK Jr. I suspect Frank and Mikey might have something to say about it, or maybe not. They were really offended.

2 thoughts on “Today in (Presidential Crimes) History

  1. Jeannie Meyer

    I wish that Nixon’s ghost would haunt Mitten, or at least the scuzzball he’s chosen as an accomplice ! His ethics may suck, but I don’t think he ever aspired to overthrow democracy and return women to Walking Wombs. And if he ever cheated Pat, he was at least quiet about it.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I bet he does haunt Mittens. Maybe that’s what is driving him insane. I think he might have been a little coup curious, but no where to the extent that Mittens was. He did support abortion availability at one point, but then he did take backsides because he was trying to get the southern states to vote for him.


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