What better way to sneak into the World of the Mouse, than by wearing a bear suit? I mean, I wouldn’t put it past the absentee governor who would be dictator president to pretend to be a bear and reconnoiter your enemy.
Or maybe it was just a bear who wanted to go on the It’s a Small World After All ride. At least it wasn’t an alligator!

Bears just want to have fun!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Did you see the bear in Mexico who jumped on the picnic table, ate all the goodies, never paid any attention to the mother and son right there and just walked away when he was finished. Seems like he liked the tacos and fries. Yummy!
Yes. I hope he thanked his hosts and didn’t burp at the table! Who doesn’t enjoy tacos and fries?
A very polite luncheon guest!
Mikey: we said thank you!…um…I mean…it wasn’t us.
Awww. He didn’t even get a stuffy or a Mickey ice cream
Bar while he was there?
Frank: we had ice cream!…um…I mean…it wasn’t us.