Today is the 6th of November, which means that all of you in the US of A should be getting ready to (or have already) cast your ballot in this presidential election. We would not presume to tell you who to vote for (well we could, but if you don’t agree with us you wouldn’t llisten anyway.
As we have been on vacation, we did not finish all our election cartoons before we left, so we here at the Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire ask your indulgence in allowing us to EXTEND the season with a few more election themed cartoons. we’re almost positive it will be worth it.
What I want to know is when is Bob T. Panda going to give his concession speech.
Bob (and more importantly, Babette) does not plan to concede the election any time soon. As we have not finished all of our particularly funny (if we do say so ourselves) election related cartoons, we cannot concede the election as yet.