As I write this, on Wednesday night, Mei is still pacing and lounging in her den, occasionally munching on some bamboo, but not yet popping out a cubby (or two). Sigh…She will do what she is going to do in her own sweet time, so no point in obsessing and…checking the panda cam…just…one…more …time.
But meanwhile, it’s Thursday!Gateway to the weekend and you know what THAT means!!!
It’s Pinky and Bubba’s birthday weekend!!!!

You say it’s your birthday!!!
By the time this posts, Mei Xiang may have had her cubby. Or not.
Sigh…Stay tuned!
Panda on!
Bob T Kamala for Vice President Panda
A SPOTTED MR. BUN FOR PING. I’m dying. Too cute. And Bubba’s propeller spinning from happiness, and a Pink House for Pinky! Aw, I like it when they’re all happy.
Of course I had to make a felty Mr. Bun for Ping. It’s pretty cute.
Awwwww….Ping got his own Mr Bun! Do you know how much these panels mean to so many of us? We can open them and know we will end up smiling, or laughing. BOTH things are sadly needed at this time. Thank you!.
You’re gonna make me cry in a minute. Thanks for reminding me that I AM doing something important. It’s good to remember. There are some very scary times coming. HWMNBN is becoming even MORE unhinged. That makes him more dangerous and irrational.
Panda on!
What a joyous toon! I love the pandas covering their eyes and Pinky have a sneaky look. And look how happy they our with their gifts – especially Ping! But the happiest “child” would have to be Tian Tian – his expression is priceless. 🙂
And we got the best present of all! A new cubby to shower with love (and expectations…sorry, kid!) It is hard not to see this as a sign of hope. I really don’t want this cubby growing up under a Mittens 2nd term. (Just typing that makes me want to burn my keyboard!) Lucky for Tian, Mei Xiang will be too busy to make him return Pinky’s model of the WH. (Not that Pinky would let them pry it out of her paws!)
A new panda cubby is definitely a sign of hope! It has been one hell of a year so let’s hope the rest of it is a positive rebirth for all of us. I can’t wait for the little cubby’s Panda Chronicles debut! I’m also “anxious” to see what Pinky’s response will be.
And good luck to anyone trying to pry a model WH out of Pinky’s warm, sticky paws!
It is an excellent sign of hope. I just saw a picture where we can see almost all of cubby XT4, and already he/she has a growing tummy! I hope it is a girl, but I’m just thrilled it is a panda.
We have a new Baby Panda at Nat. Zoo!!.. (I think it’s a girl– very cute & very squeaky!!)
She’s been doing well with all her nursing sessions, baths, & diaper checks 24/7!!…
I was so afraid it would be a very long time until we could welcome another North American cub to our Panda Pantheon. It is so, so, SO exciting that Mei Xiang gave us one last hurrah!She has certainly demonstrated that she hasn’t forgotten a thing about being a stellar mom in the intervening 5 (is it possible?) years since Bubba was born. Now… to see who this little cubby is in the Panda Chronicles Pantheon of Pandas!Something to give us all hope!