Hoo boy! We are right here, at Apocalypse Inauguration Eve, and I gotta tell you, my tummy is doing flip flops. I don’t even know if I can get all these cuppycakes down that I have lined up on the counter in front of me. Despite a certain party’s claims to the contrary, you can find a ball gown in DC, and apparently hotel rooms are available too. On the one hand, you hate to rile up a person with so thin a skin and such a penchant for vindictiveness.
On the other hand, there is this:

Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!
Panda On, and let’s be safe out there!
Bob T Panda
And did anyone get my nod to the old Bob and Ray “Wally Ballou” routines, where they joined the roving reporter midway through his introduction? We need anything we can find to cheer ourselves up! Enjoy!
It would serve him and Putin right if that really did happen. Peace out.
A panda can dream….
Thinking of going to China and volunteering to care for young pandas!!
#anywherebut here!
There is nothing more life affirming than playing with baby pandas. I hope you get the opportunity to do this.
I need a cuppycake today 🙁
Have two. Or three.
For me the approach to this day created the same gut feelings as a lot of us are experiencing because of the imminent approach of the day Princess Bao Bao leaves us. We’ve known the day was coming for a couple months and we hoped we’d wake up from a bad dream. Wonder if anything should be read into the fact that both nightmares are being manifested in the same US city. Note: I had no trouble getting all my cuppycakes down 🙁
I agree. The two events so close to one another are tearing me up. (Fortunately, I, too, have been able to get all the cuppycakes down.) (Hmm…maybe “fortunately” is not the right word.) A sad day for all of us, indeed.
Sad sad, empty feeling, I don’t think cupiecakes will fill that emptiness from Bao Bao leaving 🙁 …… it also seems that we have a strange orange president…. who knows, maybe Miracales happen, he can wake up with a brain one day…!!! Maybe I’ll just go to China and volintere as a helper:). What does cheer me up, “the panda Cronicles”!!!!?‼
Short of having an armful of baby pandas to cuddle, I’m glad that the Panda Chronicles cheers you up. Makes me feel like I am doing some small part to make the world a better place.
I purposefully am nowhere near a TV, radio, internet news source or other media outlet today. I will be watching recordings of happier days. There are not enough cuppycakes to make this right.
I am staying far from the news as well. I am still trying to determine if there enough cuppycakes in existence to make me feel better.
We shall panda on!
Keep Calm and Carry a Cubby
Mini Bob is always with me. he will march tomorrow.
this made me smile and feel a bit better. Thank you, Bob T.
I’m so glad. I don’t dare listen to HWMNBN’s speech. I read an article in NYT about it and that was enough to send me to the basement (and I don’t HAVE a basement!)
A certain discarded spouse did the intro to Bob and Ray and their act through (omgoodness I am old or was a child bride; that’s it, the latter) . They were hysterical without being mean spirited or vulgar. Sadly, I did not catch the connection; must be something in the air. I love the Wu-self and am always delighted when this cuddly boy makes an appearance. Stay safe tomorrow yourself. ? ?
I think I am pretty safe in Little old Langley. Not so sure about Seattle. I hope everyone in DC stays safe.
Blergh, I forgot to proof. I meant to add cassette tapes.
After that inaugural speech, I started looking for a cave & stocking it with cuppycakes !!
I need to build a secret room.
I Party With Pinky! What a wonderful antidote for an awful day. I will hold the image of the We Prefer Pinky Movement party in my mind for the long days ahead.
We will need some light in the darkness and a few laughs as well! Bring on the panda videos. #WePreferPinky
Did you see all those Pink hats today? Was that Pinky’s doing? The only thing is they should have panda ears and not kitty ears (ok, I know why they have, um , kitty ears.)
I struck a blow for panda parity, by wearing a panda hat, rather than a pink pussy hat. I did wear a pink Pinky t-shirt, and my pink WWF panda scarf. I was amazed and moved at our local women’s march, in my town of approximately 1200 population. There were over 2000 people at our march, and when you consider that a couple (maybe 300) hundred people chose to go into Seattle for the big march there, on 4 chartered buses, we had an amazing turnout. I expected maybe 45 old hippies in tie-dye t-shirts. But more about that tomorrow!
The pictures from DC and around the world were awesome!
The #wepreferpinky Movement party was da bomb! Ellies, Red Pannas, Mommee in pearls, all da cousins, Mr Bun, and Bubba & Pinky as da hosts with da mosts charm!
BT Panda in his dashing press scarf, Mehitabel looking adorbs with her ear piece/mike & cute Cub Reporter Wu-self demonstrated what professional journalism looks like!
No comment on that mangy, flea-bitten scoundrel at the podium….
WEll, yeah. The Wu self has excelled in the journalism course at “Putting Pandas to Work” but he really excels at solving mysteries too.