Well, it has been a little crazy busy around here, BUT, knowing it was going to get crazy busy, I got a little bit ahead on ‘toons for the weeks past. But of course, now my surplus is about to become a deficit. So I must ask: Where are the real pandas?
“If one more person asks….”

Oh those red pandas! They are such characters!
In other news, I have met (and hopefully recruited) a new young panda fan to the fold. If you are reading, Liam, welcome to the pandasphere! If there is anyone nicer to meet than a young reader, it is a young reader who loves pandas! Huzzah! Hope you didn’t drive your mom crazy on the way home quoting The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas. That would make me feel terrible! (hee hee)
Keep being the bear! It’s almost Pinky’s (and Bubba’s) Birthday! Plans must be made! cakes must be frosted! Huzzah!
Bob T Panda
That was very diplomatic of you, Bob, not to point out to the red pandas that they are really members of the raccoon family but were raised to panda status for their good looks! They better watch their steps!
It does not pay to make the red pandas angry. They have sharp little teeth!
Diplomatic, or self preserving. You decide.
Those Reds are an angry bunch, aren’t they. Could they be minions of the cat thingee with the weird hair?
*bored people at work want to know*
I was thinking that the red pandas were a pretty feisty group (not the one at Woodland Park Zoo…He just sleeps all the time. Maybe he needs some REAL pandas there to get him all fired up!) I wonder if they ARE minions of the evil kitty. I sure hope HE doesn’t show up again. Than again, poofing is not an exact science.
Hope this answers your questions, on behalf of bored people at work everywhere.
I adore red pandas, but if you’re not black & white and have perky ears, you’re not a “real panda”. Sorry, Asa and Tusa.
Loved Pinky’s cameo appearance.
Don’t say that took loud! Asa and Tusa might hear you.
Pinky says it’s in her contract that she has to appear in 90% of all new ‘toons. I am looking for her contract so I can check to see if that is true. she has been known to make things up.
Hope you had a cast made of that contract so there’s no chance of Pinky changing it without your knowledge.
Oh! I didn’t think of that! (Goes off to check contract….now it says Pinky must appear in 98% of all ‘toons. )
Love it when the red pandas make a visit to the Panda Chronicles! But they sure are angry!! And so cute 🙂
Must be that hot red head temper you always hear about. They sure are cute when they’re mad!
I wouldn’t mess with those red pandas! Pinky may have bitten off more than even she can chew here. I love how she insisted on a cameo in this strip.
Pinky always insists on a cameo.