Something happened at the debate between Pinky, Bob and Mittens and nobody will tell us what happened. Where IS Mittens? Investigations are now underway, in an attempt to get to the bottom of his mysterious disappearance. Pinky isn’t talking and Mehitabel is claiming debate moderator privilege. Is that a real thing?

Uh oh. Is Bubba about to rat someone out?
If you have any information leading to the return of Mittens, we hope you’ll just keep it to yourself call the #WhereIsMittens hotline at 1-800-BAD-CATZ
Bubba better hope that Pinky is not listening in on the Panda House Party line. I don’t think Pinky will take kindly to any perceived disloyalty.
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Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
oh, Bubba, no, NOOOOOOO ….. I do not want to imagine how is going to get Pinky when lil’ princess see her brother is a snitch … How could this chubby little panna pick up the phone!!! And it’s just a cartoon both were playing with Mr. Bun… He is a little betrayer. I feel that will not happen any good.
#Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
Pinky is quick to get mad, but just as quick to forgive. And quite frankly, I think she is proud of what she did. And like a lessor politician recently said something similar, (and I am paraphrasing here) “I could poof a cat at a debate and people would still vote for Pinky.”
I bet at least one person calls that phone number!
Um…you mean it’s not real? No wonder no one answered.
Um…someone did and it is a working number. Oops. Sorry.
Now that’s funny!!
Uh-oh. Better hope your zizzy forgives this one, Bubba! I for one am proud of Pinky, though.
Um…I think we are all proud of Pinky, we just don’t want to say it in writing. Oops. I think I just did. Never mind.
I can’t believe that our little chubby cubby is telling on his beloved zizzy! Hmm, maybe I can. He had endured 10 months of sibling torture and is now finally old enough to fight back. But I don’t think Mama would be too happy to find out what her precious bundle of joy had done.
All I can say is, I think it is going to get very messy.
Is Bubba getting too big for his overalls – I mean boots?
Probably both. I’ll see of I can get him to cut down on the frosting.
Maybe Bubba has the right idea !! Maybe all the people in the world should know what Pinky is capable of !! Just imagine the admiration & good will she will generate !! Everybody in the world will love her & respect her, except of course, the misfits, but who cares about them ?? Vote4Pinky !! Pinky 4 President !!
You have a very devious mind. Pinky has a place for you in her administration.