Between HWMNBN revising official weather maps with a sharpie, and the wild thunder and lightning storm that crashed through the Seattle area on Saturday night, weather is not just a boring topic for people looking for a non-controversial topic. The story that caught my eye a few weeks ago, was of a thunder storm in Florida (of course) where the lightning got a bit out of…um…hand.
Boy am I glad the lightning didn’t hit near MY house!!

Maybe if it is thundering and lightning, you may want to hold off going to the little bear’s room.
I tip of the hat and a round of cupcakes to all of you who let me know that their Mr. Wu Pins and Patches arrived! I’ll be getting to work really soon on the next round of goodies, so that they can be produced and mailed before the holidays!
For those of you who missed these offerings, I will be setting up a new page right here at Panda Chronicles headquarters, so that you can peruse the pandas and get your own!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
Very funny โtoon but one must wonder if the underlying message is Florida is full of ……..poo?
Um…you can’t prove I said that. ๐
I cannot get the picture of an exploding toilet out of my mind! I just get all gigley! Snorf!
Thanks for the laugh! Snort, snorf!
93 degrees outside! And a plane crashed on a highway! Oh, Lord. Minor injuries to people in one car. Pilot and passengers in plane ok. Oh, wow! A miracle!
Just love my new Wubie treasures! The colors are so great! And the expressions are perfect!
Gigley again!
A plane crashed on the highway? there wasn’t a little panda wearing a tutu and tiara flying it, was there?
Glad you like the new Wubie treasures. I have a lot of fun thinking them up and designing them. Cheers! I couldn’t bear to watch the debates, but I’m trying to have faith that we will prevail over evil. Panda On!