Who you calling fat (Tuesday)?

Yes, it’s Fabulous Furry friday, where we look back at our favorite examples from the Panda Chronicles archives! Huzzah!

This week holds several occasions of note, the first being Fat Tuesday (or as we like to call it around here, Extra Fluffy Tuesday), The Chinese Lunar New Year, and coming up on Sunday, The Academy Awards.

A note about the discrepancy as to whether this is the Year of the Sheep, Goat, or Ram: our friend over at Vsomethingspeaks wrote an excellent essay on just why there is no absolute agreement on this year’s designation. You can read all about it here, as well as get a new delicious sounding recipe! We stand our portrayal of the Year of the Sheep…because…um…pandas in sheep costumes, right?

Here’s our salute to Fat Tuesday!

We call it "extra Fluffy Tuesday" around here.

We call it “extra Fluffy Tuesday” around here.

Thank you for that interesting and yet wildly inaccurate history, Bob!

And here’s our nod to the Academy Awards:

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

What will Christopher Robin say about this?

After this weeks guest appearance of Richard Parker, how could we not celebrate both The Life of Pooh as well as The Life of Pie?

The Life of PIE....get it? *chortle chortle*

The Life of PIE….get it? *chortle chortle*

Have a fun filled weekend, everyone!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

6 thoughts on “Who you calling fat (Tuesday)?

  1. Lynn C

    lol….laughing at the “Oscar” award…hahaha…. [so much information to take in…things I never knew….good thing they can enlighten us] [and Tigger was always my fav…rethinking that about now]

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      You never know about cats, and it is a good idea not to turn your back on a tiger that is feeling “eleven o’clock-ish” Tigger (the REAL Tigger, not the disney-fied version) has always been a favorite of mine. Here at The Institute for Contemporary panda Satire, we try to be informative as well as satirical. 🙂

  2. Ann Feldman

    So a cuppycake famine is responsible for Fat Tuesday? (er, extra fluffy) I guess that is enough sacrifice for Lent. I usually make a Lenten resolution to “suffer fools gladly” i.e. curb my sarcasm at …whomever. Sometimes I make it through the first week…

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Ha ha ha! That long? Gotta watch those cuppycake famines. They can be quite devastating.
      Lenten resolutions, like those of New Year, are made to be broken. We always have an influx of “resolution people” crowding our weekly yoga class. Fortunately they are starting to fall away.

  3. Vicky V

    Thanks for the link to my blog 🙂
    Extra Fluffy Tuesday = Extra Fluffy Pancakes!!
    I love the oscars – “shoo kitty!”
    I think I am living the Life of Pie 🙂

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      You are welcome! Just highlighting our connection in preparation for the launch of The Cuppycake Cookbook! I would like to olive a life of Pie too. Loved the explanation about the discrepancy of this year’s animal representative for Chinese New Year!


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