Oh yeah, you just know we couldn’t ignore this issue. Fortunately for our readers in the British Isles, we won’t even pretend to know what any of the facts and sides of the issue are, but we can’t resist revisiting Lady MacBear and the Scottish Panda Kindergarten, now could we?

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

Save some pie for me!

Pand-Air…it’s the only way to travel

Sunshine and Sweetie arrive in Scotland

I hope people haven’t had enough of silly love songs!
Have an excellent weekend, and don’t forget to tune in Sunday for the Zoonooz in-depth coverage of the Scottish (Panda) Independence Issue!
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda
I love that panda “playing” the bagpipes and the Panda Clan Tartan is brilliant!!
Will be interesting to see which way they vote 🙂
Yes it will. I really don’t know what the issues are, but that’s never stopped me from making fun of something.
The panda kindergarten has always been musical. :o)