They say you should never explain, and never apologize on blogs, just go about your business, but with only 4 letters left to go in the alphabet, I must (I must) throw myself on the mercy of my panda fans, and tell you that I came down with the “spring crud cold” and have not been able to hold my head up to make a new cartoon. Plus I have had to cancel my appearance on a local radio show, where I was going to talk about Kickstarter.
But at least, I can pull something from the archives to tide you over till I feel less worse. (Today is brought to you by the letter “W” for Whoops.)

From The Wizard of Wu
Keep being the bear without me. Talk amongst yourselves.
Bob T. (cough cough) Panda
Poor you! Get some chicken soup with bamboo shoots. Feel better. It’s all the “stress”. Remember Adelaide’s song from “Guys and Dolls” ? (A poy-son, can develop a cold). Her stress was different but stress is stress.
I have been under a good bit of stress as you all know. I do feel a lot better today. it will be another “early to bed night, with a little soup and perhaps a soothing spoonful of Dulche de Leche, just to sooth my poor throat. Fortunately I got a pile of movies from the library on Saturday. They did not have Kung Fu Panda, unfortunately. I think tonights feature presentation will be “Best in Show.”
Even pandas have down time occasionally. Feel better, Bob T.
It’s true, actually, pandas nap a good part of the day (when they’re not eating) I did need some down time. I feel better today, but I’m glad I did not push myself to do the radio show this week. I think it would have been a disaster on several fronts. I am still resting, though getting in a little work time. I am feeling much better, even the wicked sore throat is retreating. Huzzah. Frosting is indeed a wonder drug.
We won’t worry but will wish for your wellness!
No worries, and thanks for the wellness wishes, which seem to be working. Fever gone, and felt much better today, even got a NEW cartoon done for Wednesday! Woot woot! This is the week I get back on schedule.
Hope the Wizard – or Wizardess – Waves their Wickedly magic Wand and you get Well soon!
In the words of the great Monty Pythons, (said in a quavery voice) “I’m not dead yet…I’m getting better.”