Spring Back! Fall Forward!!!
It seems like there is something very important going on this week…now what was that?
I don’t know about you, but my anxiety is ratcheted up to about an 11. If you haven’t voted yet, the time is now. Unfortunately, with the perverting of Postal imperatives, the safest way to vote is either in person or hand delivering your mail-in ballot. I’m trying really hard to remain hopeful. Some states are reporting that their early voting totals are higher than their total votes in 2016. How many new voters that represents, we won’t know for a while. One thing is sure, there is going to be full employment for election law attorneys.
Since I didn’t have a plan for today’s ‘toons (other than the “Spring Forward, Fall Back” ‘toon) I’m just going to randomly go through ‘toons I published in November for all the years that this collection has been here!
Get ready, get set, GO!!!!
2011: Pandas arrive in Scotland!!!
2012: Insider Twinkie Trading
2013: Heh! Mommee plays a trick on Pinky!
2014: Cats and Pandas
2015: Election shenanigans have been going on for a while.
2016: Seems like such a long time ago, and yet…here we are…
2017: A Halloween Classic!
2018: The first appearance of Frank and Mikey!!!
I just had to post the whole story about Frank and Mikey ALLEGEDLY eating Justice Kravenklaw… For another most excellent take of the Kavanaugh hearings, I think this is the best!
And finally, 2019: The Bus is coming! Get ready for some serious underbussing!
Remember to Vote!
Panda on (as best you can)
Bob T Panda
Oh boy, oh boy….a plethora of ‘toons today….just for MY birthday! Huzzah! I LOVE “time change” lesson. LOL
Happy Birthday! Tis the Season!