Today I went to the arts and craft store in my town, and as I was making my purchase, we discussed this adorable fabric with pandas, and the young woman waiting on me said she liked pandas too, so I gave her one of my yourbrainonpandas cards, and she said, “OMG! I read Your Brain on Pandas all. the. time! I have some of the books! I’ve been reading them since I was 13!”
Made. My. Day.
Just goes to show you. You never know the reach of your art. Keep doing it!
And now, back to….Pandas!!!

Oh, boys!!! Here I am!!!
be the (wild) Bear!
Bob T Panda
Cute character, Anne!! And …
What a wonderful arts ‘n crafts store story!!!!!!
Thanks! Always fun to meet a fan, especially in unexpected places.
It’s really hard when you’ve been raised on cupcakes.
Right????? What is a girl supposed to eat out there? I need sprinkles!
I am so worried. I wanted her to meet a nice panna boy and settle down.
And a big HUZZAH TO YOU! Nothing like being appreciated for your talent! Thank you for doing what you do!
Now about this wayward panna girl…
Don’t worry! I think she gets home safely…time will tell if a little half wild cubby is the result!